Short Story

We lost everything to a fire. A friend was amazing enough to let us use his tiny camper but is moving in less than 23 days. We are asking for assistance in buying a cheap used mobile home or maybe one of those prefab foldable homes I keep seeing  hopefully as soon as possible..They make it look so easy!   Nothing fancy just something that we can call home.  I feel a little embarrassed to blurt out a set amount. I’m unsure whats appropriate  as I’ve never done this before. Any amount of help will go so far.. If only I could put into words how much it will mean to us if anyone out there can can help us buy a  cheap used mobile home  or at least something big enough that doesn’t feel like you’re cooking in the bathroom..

Oklahoma, United States (US)

Something to call home

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $20,000.00
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $100000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Dear, wonderful people  I am reaching out to you during a time of significant hardship for my family and me. Recently, we experienced a devastating event that changed our lives in the blink of an eye — our mobile home was engulfed in flames, and we lost everything we held dear.  As I sit here reflecting on the memories and moments that were etched into the walls of our home, I am filled with both grief and gratitude. The love and laughter shared within those walls can never be replaced, but the support of friends, family, and caring individuals like you can help us rebuild our lives.  Currently, we are staying in a friend’s tiny leaky camper, but they will need it back soon as they are moving in less than 23 and if I may be honest, I don’t know where else to turn. In our search for assistance, we have reached out to FEMA and various organizations, only to find that our situation does not meet the criteria for aid because it was not deemed a state-declared disaster. This has left us feeling isolated and vulnerable, struggling to navigate this difficult time without the expected safety nets.  We are now asking for your compassion and generosity to help us secure a cheap used mobile home and get back on our feet. The financial burden of immediate needs, such as housing, clothing, and basic necessities, has become overwhelming. Your generous support can make a significant difference in our journey towards recovery.

Here’s how you can help:

A donation of any amount will go directly towards securing a used mobile home.     Contributions of any amount and  gift cardswill be tremendously helpful as we begin to rebuild our lives.

Sharing our story with your friends and networks can help us reach more people who may want to lend a hand in our time of need.

We truly appreciate your consideration, and we are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide towards our situation. Thank you for taking the time to read our story. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to reach out to me directly. You will be what gets us through this tragedy .

Again With heartfelt gratitude, Thank you so much!


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