Short Story

We are a small team dedicated to welcome visitor and help them enjoy their visit. We want to grow our presence in social media and train more tour guides, specifically in English so they are able to show visitors aroung using English as the main language and then Spanish.

El Quisco, Chile

Sea traditions in El Quisco

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $1,400.00
Minimum amount is $400 Maximum amount is $1400
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


We want to show visitors the wonderful beach town where we live, as well as the other towns near the ocean, in Central Chile. We are a small multidisciplinary team, part of the local community, and we believe we can help in making our ecosystem more sustainable.

We work with small and medium business owners as well as with the fishermen in the cove, in El Quisco, and in order for us to grow, we need salaries so we can spend more time planning and organizing our marketing strategies among other ideas in the action plan.


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