Short Story

last shot at picking myself back up and living

Mississippi, United States (US)

Save my life & soul

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0 Days Left
Goal: $3,000.00
Minimum amount is $24 Maximum amount is $2500
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I genuinely appreciate you taking the time your valuable time to read and respond to my request letter I am reaching out to you because I was Spirit led to you I know everyone probably experiences a rock bottom in their life at some point and I am at mine everyday I wake up going to die and go to sleep crying I feel like I have no purpose and I’m worthless and I know you have what it takes to help me because the spirit wouldn’t not believe me would not mislead me I’m really counting on you because I have nowhere to turn and you can very well save my life I am facing the most traumatic hopeless time in my entire life one attempt you are my only hope anything or even improve and this is my last attempt I’m fighting for my life and my soul and I need your help p I have been trying to stay strong and hold on to my Hope and Faith but the hunger pains and the freezing cold just will not go away and I feel like I cannot take it anymore my life is crumbling and I’m at my Wit’s end all I need is just a little help to keep my mind body


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