Short Story

Please donate to make our innocent dream comes true to buy a house

286, Lake Terrace, Two Mile Bay, Taupo, 3330 nz, New Zealand

Save home

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $60,000.00
Minimum amount is $5000 Maximum amount is $60000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Dearkind donators,

I am Wanni Fonseka iriginally from Sri Lanka and currently live in New Zealand. I hzve a little beautiful family my husband my lovely son and little daughter.

We had been having a good life in New zealand and we had a food business and we loss the business in 2020 after that we loss our money and my husband went through depression so decided to move to another region in neq zealand to have a peaceful life . Now my husband is foing a good job and we built up pur lives again now i am 44 years old and myhusband 50 years old as we are getting old and afterthat it is sos hard to buy a house in nz so we have to collect our bank deposit money for the housng loan so we uave to have at least 60,000 nz dollras to buy a house

So i am.begging for some.donation to collect our deposit.

We can pay bag as a loan by paying a small instalments.


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