Short Story

I’m a 25 year old 3rd year student at the University of South Africa doing my last year and I have been dropped by the bursary that was paying for me, I would kindly request financial assistance to help me pay for my tuition fees, my goal is 800$

Durban, South Africa

Please Help me pay for my tuition fee

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $800.00
Minimum amount is $600 Maximum amount is $800
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hi there, I hope this finds you well, I’m a final year student doing Public Relations and I’m struggling with paying my tuition fees since the bursary dropped me. Please help me


I would like to finish this course in record time and get a good job so I can afford to take care of myself


$800.00 or more
November, 2024
Estimated Delivery
0 backers


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