Short Story
I need to move into a larger apartment ASAP bc my abusive ex-husband has filed paperwork with the court system to deem me an unfit parent bc I had to move into a 1 bedroom apartment 5 years ago after sustaining a back injury and not being able to waitress any longer. I need $1200 in addition to my income from 2 jobs and every penny to my name to make the whole thing go away.
PLEASE!!! Do Not Allow Him to Take My Children!!!
Thank you for using your time to read my post. I have always fared well in life or been very lucky so being here and asking for help into cyberspace is not easy for me. I am unable to sleep most nights and I know that I must do something. I have been a single mom for quite a few years now after I narrowly escaped a very abusive and cruel spouse. I have been a waitress since I was allowed to serve a table at 15 years old. I am well suited to the job bc I am very friendly and genuinely love being around other people. Unfortunately, when the world shut down during the worldwide pandemic I somehow hurt my back rather severely. I have been receiving medical care to at least improve the condition of my back if not to fully repair the damage that it sustained. The doctors believe that much of the damage has been sustained way earlier, most likely from the physical abuse I endured in my marriage, and that the health of my spine had long been holding on by a thread. While I sincerely miss being in the restaurant industry personally, this is severely overshadowed by how much my existence misses my previous profession financially! I am not a quitter and I will always do whatever is necessary bc I will not allow any pity party on my behalf rear it’s ugly head on their childhood. I have found work and even more, I work 2 jobs pretty much every single day and I still earn less than half of what I used to make working only 4 days or about 25 hours! Not that I would ever complain about how vast the difference is between then and now simply bc I am so very grateful that I am able to work. That was not looking like an option only a year ago. Forgive me, I started to vere off track! Long story short, my kids and I have bad to make a lot of not so comfortable or easy changes bc of my injury and ultimately bc of my change of working ability but by the grace of God we have been and are still “making it” and even more than that, we are finally starting to build up again and move forward! Here is where things start to get dark. All this time, my ex has watched and waited. He does not see his children and refuses to pay support of any kind. I have approached him as a mother in private and I eventually chose to use the legal system. Where he lives in a very small community where he is a native and is very well known. He is also an extremely successful business owner. The police, the judges, they all protect their own. He has not even been served the original paperwork to show his face to answer if he is the legitimate father and that paperwork was filed almost 18 years ago. Anyways, I do not receive nor do I expect any help from him but now after 5 years of the four of us struggling to get back on our feet my ex-husband has filed paperwork to take custody of our boys and deem me unfit. And just to cover all my bases I want to say that there is absolutely no way that his accusation has even one granule of truth to it. I do not believe he wants our children or would even show up to pick them up if he did get custody! His primary objective and his only purpose when it comes to me is to tear down and hurt as much as he possibly can. Since I am telling this tale into cyberspace I will spare you the details and avoid wasting anymore of your time. His entire complaint against me rests on the fact that my son’s and I live in a 1 bedroom apartment. My boys share the one bedroom and I sleep in a small sectioned off corner of the living room. As I stated previously we had to make adjustments to match the reduction in income that I sustained. The worst part for me is that we are finally at the point where we are able to look for something larger to live in. All that struggle and when there is a light at the end of the tunnel he decides to step in with lawyer’s fees and time off of work to attend court dates!
I do not want to drown on and on here and I aim to keep this post as positive as possible so let me state what my family desperately needs. After consulting legal council, I have been told if I want to make the whole situation disappear then I need to move my family into at very least a 2 bedroom unit ASAP. For me, this is the absolute best plan of action. It will also cut back on any legal fees and court dates since the proof is in the pudding and it squashes the only issue that his case replies on. After crunching the numbers and pouring over all the information I compiled I need $1200 to make the move happen. To clarify, with every cent of my income, the few dollars I have in the bank, all the change in my car, and $1200 from somewhere in cyberspace; I could move with my 3 boys into an apartment by next week which would make my abusive ex-husband’s fictitious complaint disappear and essentially send him and his hateful intentions packing for hopefully another 10 years!
It is unlikely that I haven’t lost every reader hundreds of words ago so I do not have very high hopes, if any, for this plea into the web to be a success but I do know that it only takes a single person to make a huge difference in life. I also know that I will never give up bc I love my boys and I know that my ex showed me so many things that he could take away from me years ago but i. turn, I showed him that he could never take away my hope! Bless you all and thank you if for nothing else allowing me to get these words off my chest!!!!$OBXEB
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Your story has deeply moved us, and I’m pastor David Mark, a dedicated helper of those in need. As part of our church’s outreach program, we visit cyber begging sites to provide financial support to individuals who require assistance. We allocate 20% of our church’s income every month to this cause. If you’re in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your full name, current home address, cellphone number, and the amount needed via email. [email protected] or +1 786-632-6715