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Help me pay off my debt

Pay off debt

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $7,000.00
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
By mzitshu
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hi My name is Mally I am 33 years old from South Africa. I humbly ask for help, I have a great job in the software environment I have made terrible financial moves in the past due to two things, my mother got sick with Alzheimer’s and I took out loans after loans but not only that when I found it hard to pay these bills I borrowed money from friends and it was a huge amount, my biggest mistake was taking that money and put it in an investment so I can make a quick one but that that failed and I lost so much credibility, friendship and trust. All I’m asking is a second chance so I can get my life back, pay every single debt. If I could at least get half of the amount I will be able to bounce back.





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