Short Story

New hopes for my health is the first thing on my mind.

Montego Bay, Jamaica

New hopes

$0.00 Pledged
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617 Days Left
Goal: $48,000.00
Minimum amount is $20000 Maximum amount is $48000
7 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hi, I’m Elizabeth and I hope you are doing extremely great. I don’t know where to start…. I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of twenty-two, two weeks after giving birth to my first son in 1995. I had to start working when he was two months for him to get better care. I was twenty-three by then, and I worked a strenuous, minimal pay job, but did humongous contribution in his life to my best ability. I then met a new partner and we have three children. Life was okay. Since the p@ndemic, I had to stay home because the asthma got worse by the days. All my savings and my investments went down the drain, due to false info that the b@nking system would collapsed. Recently I went to the doctor to get some updates regarding the health issues I was experiencing, and I explained to the doctor all I’ve been going through over the years, but from our conversations, we gathered, it may not be asthma but heart issues. So I was scheduled to do some heart test but so many things came up that hindered me from fulfilling the scheduled appointment. The medications given are helping for now, but I realy need to get all those test done to know my fate. I also wish to get back into investments but I don’t have the funds to restart that desire, I think as a mom, I should do something for my children, as my parents did not give me the right start in life. So I wanted to make a change, but life happened. I want to go back into investments; to create generational wealth for my children’s children. I’m now fifty-two and I am into online businesses, you can support me by clicking on these two links, please: Gbookz & GraceLSD7. I truly appreciate all your kind assistance in advance. Thank you and continue to be blessed.


$100.00 or more
I'll send you a copy of my eBook, Entangled Hearts: A Deceitful Web, via email.
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