Short Story

Need help with the rest of rent down payment since they decided to charge me double deposit before Jan 10th. Tried loans but my credit score isn’t all that great right now due to a divorce.

Texas, United States (US)

Need help with rent deposit

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $2,000.00
Minimum amount is $2000.00 Maximum amount is $5000.00
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


So I applied and got a rental place for my kid and me put $1500 down to secure the rent place. Only way I can get in by January 10th is to have $4000.00. I have the $2000.00 but wasn’t expecting them to charge me double deposit for no renters history.  We need out of the place we are living in asap. It’s causing me to constantly get sick. And I refuse to miss work so I stay sicker longer. It has mold growing inside for when it flooded. Because it’s low zoned insurance didn’t cover flooding. Look We desperately need out of this environment. This is my 1 chance to get out. I’ll lose the other $1500.00 if I don’t and be stuck there for longer.  The floor there is like the ocean; it has waves in it. So I know it’ll cave in soon.


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