Short Story

I’m struggling and afraid that I’m not strong enough to get this back together fast enough

Kansas, United States (US)

Need help asap

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0 Days Left
Goal: $2,054.00
Minimum amount is $1.00 Maximum amount is $
By Kisa
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Okay so here is what is going on. End of May I had a surgery to remove cancer, got septic a week later so basically lost 2 weeks of work and that got me behind, my 2nd day back at work my kitchen at home caught fire due to my kids dad being negligent and I had to pay to fix and replace the cabinets and stove as well as the ceiling and walls needed fixed. Then kids dad took off and I was left with all the overdue bills and now a new cost of a sitter. I had my electricity cut off last week but was able to get it back on two days ago but no food survived. I am on mental health leave from work right now because this has been too overwhelming and I am drowning. I need an oil change on my car, rent for September, baby sitter fees, groceries, diapers, wipes, toilet paper, electric, gas, water and phone paid….I can’t do this alone. When I get caught up I am going to start putting back money so that I can move up where my BFF lives so we can help each other since I can’t do this alone any more and have no local help.

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