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Alabama, United States (US)

Mother of 10 just trying to catch a break

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Goal: $10,000.00
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My reason for being…all 10 of my children plus my grandbaby!


Hello! My name is Jessica. I am a 39 year old mother of 7 biological children and 3 bonus children ranging in age from 20 down to 3. I also have a 7 month old granddaughter that lives with me.


I have worked ever since I was 15 and currently I am the general manager over a Dollar General.


With the economy plummeting so quickly, even the struggle to maintain a roof over my children’s heads has been severely overwhelming. In order to maintain just basic needs, (i.e. rent, utilities, car payment, food, clothes…), I have had to let the non essential expenses get behind.


I have taken out several loans in order to pay the necessities, but haven’t been able to successfully make the payments on these loans due to my entire income going straight to the essentials.


I have always been that “I’ll figure it out” parents but my resources are quickly becoming non-existent.


I am seeking some sort of relief at this point it has come to a point of desperation…I will do whatever is necessary in order to provide for my family.


I’m not sure if my pleas will even be taken into consideration or if my story will even be read or heard, but at least I can say I tried!


Than you and God bless!!


All 10 of my kids and my grandbaby!

My reason for being…all 10 of my children plus my grandbaby!

plus my grandbaby!


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