Short Story

helping a young law student😁

Germany, NRW

living alone and studying law :)

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1 Day Left
Goal: $10,000.00
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Hello, my name is Cindy, I’m 17 and I just moved out to study at my dream university.

I chose to study law because of the many great job opportunities it offers but also because knowing and understanding laws contributes to one’s societal understanding, which is fundamental nowadays. My dream of becoming a diplomat or an economic specialist will hopefully be possible by this.

Because I just couldn’t bring myself to travel about 6 hours each day from and to my university, I rented a flat and live alone right now. Apparently I underestimated the high costs of all this in Germany🙃

Therefore, I kindly ask you to donate a small help if you feel like helping a young and anticipated student.

Thank you very much🩷


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