Short Story

It’s always been my dream to make a difference in the jewelry industry with unique designs made from quality materials like 925 sterling silver and it would really be a dream come true if I could get some help on it. I already have all the necessary items such as packaging, and mail boxes, all that is left to do is to place an order on the jewelry items.

My goals is to have my business idea ready to hit the market in January.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions in regards to the project and I will share with you any details regardless!


Paris, France

Jewelry Business Startup

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $28,440.00
Minimum amount is $50 Maximum amount is $28440
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Greetings everyone!

I am seeking for an investment into my jewelry project. I’ve been designing my own jewelry line since February 2023 and recently received a check from my manufacturer that stands at $28,440.


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