Short Story

I just need some help please….

, United States (US)

I need help…

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $5,000.00
Minimum amount is $100.00 Maximum amount is $5000.00
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I need help with my rent, my electric bill, my water bill, car insurance, and everyday essentials like shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, toothpaste…I feel like a piece of crap even asking like this but idk what else to do. I quit my job back in November 2023. It was becoming to stressful and the work environment was toxic. Plus I needed more work/life balance for my kids. And of course right after I quit it seems like every place of employment started actually caring about the employees mental health. Just my luck. I straight had a mental breakdown because the stress my supervisor was giving me. But anyone I don’t live out of my means and I have done exhausted my unemployment benefits and drained my 401k and I have been steady applying for new jobs but I’m having no luck. I just really need some help. I have thought about selling myself! No mother of two daughters wants to do that! I don’t want my girls to think it’s okay! I’m just at a loss and have noone to help me.


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