Short Story

Help us build a good house, I would love to see my children enjoy when they are still young, running around the house and climbing the stairs. They mention that in their daily prayers.

Kiambu, Kenya


$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $38,770.00
Minimum amount is $50 Maximum amount is $38770
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


My name is Salome. I come from Kenya Africa.

I am requesting for help to build a good house for my children. We live in an old temporary house that was left by the grandmother.

I work as an informal laborer where even feeding and paying their fees plus other bills is also difficult due to little pay.

Any well wisher who would stand with us, by buying groceries, assist in paying school fees and the larger part of putting a smile on our faces by building us a home, we will eternally be grateful.

Thank you so much and be blessed as you consider us.u


$200.00 or more
December, 2024
Estimated Delivery
0 backers


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