Short Story

Save me from my mistakes & allow me a second chance ♥︎

Las Vegas, United States (US)

Hope For Humanity

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $40,000.00
Minimum amount is $1000 Maximum amount is $100000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Honestly, this campaign is solely for me to allow me the funds to try and dig myself out of the hole I have dug myself in.
I have dreams and goals just like any other human on this planet and in order for them to be realized I need money.
I work full-time, but I still have accumulated $40,000 dollars of debt.
In reality it’s a lot to ask, but I am hoping to get out of debt so I don’t lose my house, my place to record, and most importantly my hope. I have worked for everything I have, but I have made poor financial decisions which lead me to the precarious position I am in.
If I am able to come up with the money to free me from this debt I am in I vow to donate an equal amount to charities and causes I believe in over time. No matter what any and all help is appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration ♥︎


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