Short Story

Lost nearly everything please help

Savannah georgia, United States (US)

Homeless jobless

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
112 Days Left
Goal: $1,000.00
Minimum amount is $5.00 Maximum amount is $10.000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I have recently lost my place of living and my job in December of 2024.  In result I had to give my cat up, and spent the last of my money on a storage facility . I do not own a truck or a trailer so I had people I thought were friends help me move who ended up just stealing my stuff mostly. Being it was the holidays no one was hiring I had no Thanksgiving and no Christmas I don’t know how not to make this a sob story. Just have never been in this position before. Never did I once imagine I would ever be where I am today I am 41 and have lost almost everything. Very unfortunate. I have very little family who are not in a position to help anyone. I’m not asking for a lot I don’t expect a lot. I have signed up for food stamps which I have not received yet and any other kind of help in Georgia that I can possibly get which has not come through yet times are very hard and all I can think is in the past where I have handed out cash to people begging on street corners I figured I would try this first before I found myself on a corner in the cold. If you could find in your heart to help a sincere and humbled homeless person I promise to spend the money wisely just trying to keep the insurance on my vehicle my cell phone and have some food and also my storage facility so I do not lose what little I have left I don’t know where else to turn God bless you


$200.00 or more
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