Short Story

My family needs help and I would like to go to trade school to further become stable enough to support others.

Minnesota, United States (US)

Help my family get back on our feet and my trade school!

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $3,000.00
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


After a bit ago, I left back to go live with my parents. I am currently 20. My ex cheated on me so I was on hard times. Now I am doing a lot better. I am working a full-time job and trying my best to shape  myself up again. However, my parents are paying for me and a lot of other siblings that I have. Plus my grandmother. Who recently had to go through surgery because she broke a bone. I can’t really get a license without going to drive to school because everyone is either busy with the other kids or working and I get it  life  happens. But any money I get rid my parents of a lot of bills because I am going to help them right away then I can also pay for my trade school that I really want to do because I am running out of time before I missed a couple windows. I also would really like to move out and maybe take a sibling with me so I can put less stress on my family. I currently have like a less than $100 in my bank account. And no I’m not looking for free. I paid 200 a week here and I am also contributing to household goods and anything else that needs help with. But to be able to receive more help to help them and help myself. That would mean a lot.


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