Short Story

It’s hard to ask for help, but I’m in a tough spot after being scammed. My daughter and I face eviction in 2 weeks. Please consider donating or sharing our story. 🙏

new york, United States (US)

help mother and daughter avoid eviction

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $858.00
Minimum amount is $1 Maximum amount is $999
3 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hello everyone and fellow Christians ✝️♥️, I hate to be that person who’s asking for help, but I’ve found myself in a difficult situation after trying to help someone in need and ended up scammed out of my money. Now I’m struggling to afford basic groceries and pay rent, even clothes for me and my 9-year-old daughter. It’s truly heartbreaking what some people can do. I’ve already been served an eviction notice and have until this time in 9 days to pay my bills.Me and my landlord decided I can make a partial payment of $500 which is my main goal so I can secure our place at this residence! We need this money in 2 weeks so there isn’t much time… I’m currently unemployed as I was let go from my job 5 days ago, but I’m working hard to secure a job!

I’m on here asking my fellow Christians to please lend a helping hand to get me and my daughter back on our feet. I’ll appreciate any help from anyone, and I’ll be deeply grateful to everyone who can even afford to help me out. I understand everyone is in their own crisis, so anyone stopping to donate a dollar is truly appreciated.

I’m sorry I won’t provide anything with me or my daughter’s face as I want to protect us from those that may use our pictures for anything on the internet. I hope you can understand.

May God bless those that are unfortunate and lift those fortunate even higher. Wish you all well :)🙏💞


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