Short Story

Help me pay for to tuition as an international student living in the US.

, United States (US)

Help me pay for tuition!

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $40,000.00
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I am an international student from Italy. I moved to the United States a year ago, and so far I have managed paying for my education with the money I could put together during High School and Summer, when I go back home and work full time. When I am here, however, I can only work part-time on campus, and I can’t make a living off that. I am applying to as many scholarships as I can, but they’re not always enough as the opportunities for international students are very limited, although out-of-state tuition costs are pretty high. Help is appreciated, even if little!


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