Short Story

Help me buy a house – my own home.

Help me buy my own House

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $500,000.00
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I am in need of a house – a home.

I will spare both you and me from the sob stories that has led me to ask for help by trying to manipulate you or get you to feel sorry for me so that you might give me what I am asking, what I am in need of.

It is plain and simple, I need finances so that I can buy my own house, that NOBODY can even touch, steal or destroy or in any way try to take away from me.

I will only accept genuine and completely free gifts with no strings attached to it, because you genuinely and honestly just want to help a person that just need a break and some real help for once in her life..

To help:

I genuinly thank you for your help, and may God bless you.


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