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help me buy a house in a safe place .

Kagalla, Sri Lanka

Help me buy a house in a safe place .

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $5,500.00
Minimum amount is $5500 Maximum amount is $6500
4 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


hi my name is sumanathilaka and l am a 48 year old resident of kagalla district srilanka the main problem l have is that the small house l currently live in is located in a land prone to landslides my hope is to get a house with land another but l dont have any money l work in a private security service and l have no money left after the salary is spent on essential expenses like food electricity bills gas bills l came to know about your foundation through my friend who knew my true situation when it rains heavily we live in fear of landslides please help me to solve this burning problem the simplest things in our country have been has increased in large numbers l had a sick 16 year old child for whom l made all the sacrifices a lot of money was spent so l could not do these things please help me as l am in a very helpless situation .finally l lost my child .l used to have a small house because of the risks of staying in that house ,so l made a temporary place to help me get to a safe place .thank you very much god bless you .

My name :R.m.sumanathilaka.

Bank details BSAMLKLX bic /swift code

A/No :117857842447,sampath bank ,thalawathugoda, colombo,‌inbound5434092548552897137♥‌ srilanka


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