Short Story

Found out I might not have to long to live because I have lung cancer and give me so not good, and on top of that I lost my job. I have three little girls and a wife I wanna be with and don’t wanna give up my life and miss out on a phone ng life with them.

Arizona, United States (US)

Help me beat cancer please

$0.00 Pledged
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Goal: $50,000.00
Minimum amount is $1.00 Maximum amount is $50.000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hi my name is Jerry, well I just found out that I have lung cancer and my chances of beating it arnt very good. And after I told my work I needed time off I was fired. So now I have three beautiful little girls and this amazing beautiful wife I have to support, and now with no job and no money coming in, I have bills piling up. And now I have to have state insurance that isn’t very good. So now all hope is gone, I’m trying to stay ali e for me and my girls. So now I’m fighti v for my life and for a place for my family and I to live, with no money  coming In I don’t know what to do but ask for help and I’m the info nda of person that don’t like to ask I like to take care of my own family myself. So if you can find it in your heart to help. Me fight this cancer it will help me and give me a better chance to beat this cancer and help my family and I have our house to live in, I’m just asking for a little help to be with my baby girls and wife and give me the chance to see my goodness rls grow and give me the chance hopefully to see them become women and even just to get to be with them a couple more years at least. Sorry I don’t know much about asking ng for help I was the one who supported my family. I just can’t believe this is happening to me, i just can’t give up, I have to try, and don’t want my babies to think that I just left them, sorry!! So if you can spare a couple dollars it will ll help me he here with my family hopefully just a little longer. Bless all of you, and thank you for everything.


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