Short Story

Needing help with bills and food for the house for the kids. Thank you and bless everyone

Hickory North Carolina, United States (US)

Help getting back on my feet

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $500.00
Minimum amount is $50.00 Maximum amount is $1000.00
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Hey everyone. My names Anthony, idk how this works and I’m not used to asking for help. Right now im on the verge of loosing everything due some events lately that have been tragic and very bad. Not going to speak on it much but I lost my fiance. I’m currently working but don’t make enough to support my 3 kids and myself without my fiance. I really need help in catching up with bills. Keeping food in the house and to put back to be okay. It’s rough but I work 2 jobs to try and support my family. I don’t want to write a pitty story, just want to try this website out and see if I can get any help. As I would help others if I could and will when I’m able to one day. Bless everyone. And thanks to anyone who can and do help even if it’s $1.

Paypal : @anttay23232323

1 review for Help getting back on my feet


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