Short Story

Help me get my husbands truck back.

, United States (US)

Help Get My Truck Back

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0 Days Left
Goal: $70,000.00
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $70000
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My husband started a business 3 years ago. He had skills and wanted to make a better life for our family. But through a series of unfortunate events we almost lost everything. We managed to come back but then his one worker quit. He had to sell his paid for truck just to make ends meet. We have so much debt and so many problems but I just want to help him get his truck back and I don’t know what else to do or where else to turn.
He grew up with nothing. Pulled himself out of the gutter from an abusive childhood and food scarcity and worked his butt off since he was able to have a job. He has worked so hard to get to where he is at and my heart is just breaking for him.
We had just paid off the truck 2 months before he had to sell it.


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