Short Story

Hello. My name is Rui Octávio Teixeira Henriques. I came to a very dificult situation to have a way to buy food and pay the rent because I am unemployed.

If you can help me. Thank you very much.

Lisboa, Portugal

For rent and food

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: $900.00
Minimum amount is $700 Maximum amount is $900
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


  1. I ask for help in this critical and problematic situation. I need for help for buy food. I do apreciate your help.
  2. I need help to buy food and for rent. I believe I just need help for one month.

2 reviews for For rent and food


    I saw your post about needing some help, and I’d like to offer my support. Could you please share your contact information so we can discuss how I can assist you directly? Looking forward to connecting. is my TG id.
    whatsapp is +1 (912) 980-3877

  2. dummador

    Adam, Thank you very much. I do apreciate that. As we already share some words at Telegram.

    I would like to post here, publicly your help if may happen. With total transparency.


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