Short Story

I recently had eye surgery in December and I have another eye surgery the end of January I didn’t know that I had to have a spin down I’m retired unlimited budget. I was unable to pay car insurance I borrowed a small loans to do Christmas and I need a laptop to start the online business keep me afloat. I do have other debt but I would like to earn the money to pay that off I just need some help today so that I can get my license back like an insurance and I can start my business with a laptop. I also need the the balance of my spend down so I can get my right eye surgery on January 30th I appreciate whatever help I can get thank you

Columbus Ohio, United States (US)

Emergency I really need help

$0.00 Pledged
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0 Days Left
Goal: $2,500.00
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1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I’ve been called help on the way because I have other people my age stay independent but don’t understand how to do things I do things for them however now I need help I am 70 years old and I’m struggling to stay afloat so immediate needs need to be met I don’t have it.


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