Short Story

Dog food for family of dogs.

OH, United States (US)

Dog food for puppies, pregnant mother dog and father.

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
44 Days Left
Goal: $50.00
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $100
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


So my dog had a litter of pups a few months ago and she recently got pregnant again because she got out of the house we found her at my friend’s house. The thing is we are completely out of dog food and I am trying to get enough to get a 50 lb bag of dog food for her her puppies and the father of the first litter which I own. I’m not asking for a lot I’m just trying to get up to at least $50 to get a bag of dog food the 50 lb.


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