Derrick’s Cancer Treatment Fundraiser
Henry Derrick was diagnosed with Kaposi’s Sarcoma (cancer of the soft tissues) in March 2022 after being sick for more than a year.
Since the cancer had begun on his left foot and spread to the left lung, he was immediately put on chemotherapy, where he underwent six cycles before embarking on 12 radiotherapy fractions. Despite going through that intense treatment procedure, the doctors discovered that the cancer was still growing, both in the lungs and the foot. He was therefore asked to go for another line of chemotherapy.
After undergoing 6 cycles of the second line chemotherapy, the follow-up tests and scans showed that the cancer had disappeared from both the lungs and the left foot. He could walk again having been on crutches for more than a year.
However, this great progress was interrupted about eight months later when the doctors noticed some strange lymph nodes growing around the neck area. The biopsy results showed that the Sarcoma had recurred. Further, he was asked to undergo a PET Scan which revealed that the cancer had metastasized to both lungs. As a result of this, the doctors suggested another line of chemotherapy, advanced from the previous ones.
He started the third line of chemotherapy immediately and completed in February 2024. Because of the advanced stage of the metastasized cancer, he was also required to use a combination of other drugs (conventional medicine), which are equally costly. The drugs are believed to slow the growth of metastatic cancer, as well as manage the pain.
One of his major concerns as a cancer patient is the fear of recurrence. Having been to the chemo ward 18 times, we desired to find a holistic treatment program that will end the issue once and for all. We were lucky to find a cancer treatment center that reverses chronic illnesses using a targeted immunotherapy procedure called Dendritic Cell Therapy, They also use evidence-based remedies and hydrotherapy as well as a lifestyle program. I’ve since started the hydrotherapies here hoping to embark on the immunotherapy program with your generous support. This set of treatment plans is expected to run for more than a year, with the cost estimated to be over 55,000 USD.
This cancer diagnosis has put massive psychological stress on me, my family, and my friends. In my case, the financial cost of cancer care has been equally as challenging as the diagnosis. That’s why we are asking for financial support to help me beat this monster.
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