Short Story

In need of major help, all bills are behind and my car is messing up, school is back and I haven’t finish that all. I need shoes😭 I’ve been needing some for awhile but I never have any extra. I know I’m asking for a lot and you don’t have to give any at all obviously. If you happen to choose to, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

NC, United States (US)

Crying for help!

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Goal: $50,000.00
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Hi, my name is Tabby. I’m 29 and I have 2 boys, 13 and 8 years old. I haven’t been able to get back on my feet for quite awhile. I work 40hrs a week but never make it paycheck to paycheck. I can’t get government assistance. I got with a man when I was 19, been with him ever since. About 3 years ago my grandmother passed. It ruined me. If I wasn’t sleeping I was irritable and just a pain to be around. So I did kind of isolate my self. My kids suffered, I wasn’t abusive but my mood was the worse. I’m sure it had a lot to do with knowing that my old man was cheating on me. I couldn’t fight it though, I literally had zero energy to even care. As time went on I begin to say things to him, eventually he broke up with me. I know it’s crazy but it broke me enough to wake me up. Not enough because I still live with him. We get along, it’s not toxic.  About 4 or so months after the break up, the woman he was seeing passed away all of a sudden, it broke him. I thought him breaking up with me hurt but the pain of seeing his heart break for another woman was another level I hope to never deal with again. It was very sad. I never dealt with the anger because I would always feel quilty like I wasn’t the one who was done wrong. He’s lost a lot in his life time and I know he loved her. So I felt bad for him. Two broken people trying to save a home. Well that’s why I’m here. I literally can not get caught up, all my bills are behind, I just had to do school shopping and I couldn’t even get all of that. I look for a job all the time but I’m not able to find one that fit the schedule yet. It’s never been this bad. We always had our bills paid and now hes playing catch up from his cheating debt and I’m working my behind off for groceries. That’s what it seems like anyways. I’ve always thought that I was a very unlucky person and I probably am but I hope and pray for the sake of my babies home, and needs that I’m wrong. Thank you for reading all this rambling. I wish you the best in your journey of life❤️


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