Short Story

Please help me save my mother from the lethal breast cancer which has spread to her liver. She is also suffering from acite Ascities. We have to buy very expensive medicines and frequency hospitalise her for urgent medical attention. If you can help please do, and if you can’t please pray for her speedy recovery. Thank you.

Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh

Cancer Treatment for a Mother- Rajia Sultana (Age-66)

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  1. I am Wasi Uddin Ahmed, age 39, a permanent resident of Bangladesh. My mother Rajia Sultana, age 66, a permanent resident of Bangladesh is a patient of breast cancer confirmed diagnosis since December 2020. We conducted surgery at the same month in Bangladesh at that time at Lab Aid Hospital under Dr. Khademul Islam. Then for further treatment we went to Mumbai, India. We went ro Hinduja Hospital where Dr Sachin Almel continued her treatment. There she received 4 cycles of Chemotherapy (Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide) from February 2021 to May 2021. Due to Covid-19 pandemic and heavy infection with deaths in India we had to leave and continue treatment in Bangladesh afterwards. We went to Dr. Qamaruzzaman Chowdhury of Ashania Mission Cancer Hospital (currently he is working at Bangladesh Specialised Hospital) under him she received Radiotherapy (40Gy + 10 Gy boost) till June, 2021. She also received 12 cycles of Zoldronic Acid till July, 2023. In between we have conducted hundreds of investigations (scans, pathological etc) to ensure that there is no cancer cell remaining in her body.
    But The Almighty had different plans for us. Durning a routine follow-up on April, 2024 we observed alarming range of CA 15.3 marker (Cancer antigen marker for breast cancer) 165 which should be less than 30, on repeat test it was found 297 in a matter of a week. Then we went for a PET CT scan which indicated she has cancer in her liver and antrum. Later on we did biopsy, MRI, IHC, PDL1 along with a lot of blood tests to ensure that this was the old breast cancer cell that has come back more aggressively. She is also suffering from Ascites as a side effect of this cancer. This is causing Ascitic fluid to generate in her peritorial area resulting is abnormal belly swelling. We are going to the hospital every other week to remove this fluid otherwise it will be life threatening. Also this is causing imbalance in Sodium and Albumin in her body causimg more diffculties. To combat this cancer the doctor has advised to take an oral medicine named Kisqali manufactured by Novartis. We have already completed 2 cycles (per cycle 21 days medication +7 days gap=28 days) and preparing for the 3rd cycle. The entire treatment plan is very expensive for us. Only the tests, medicines and mandatory hospitalisations costing around $2500 per month. We may get a good result from this continuous treatment if we can go on for around 3 years. That is possible if her health supports this treatment and if we have the financial capacity to continue this. Our financial resources are completely exhausted and it has become impossible to go forward. Sincey mother is showing progress in last couple of months, she is feeling better and finding the courage to fight on, I have decided to give a final try and ask for help to anyone who is willing to help. May The Almighty bless you and keep you & your family healthy. Thank you for your valuable time.IMG 20240824 232116 IMG 20240826 103841 IMG 20240803 131152 IMG 20240906 195947 2024 06 20 18 03 37 Screenshot 20240916 022216 01 Screenshot 20240916 024313 Screenshot 20240916 022157 01 Screenshot 20240916 022427 01 Screenshot 20240916 024138 01 Screenshot 20240916 022106 01 Screenshot 20240916 023910 01


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