Short Story

Single hardworking father of 3 facing loosing home and vehicle..

West Virginia, United States (US)

Blue collar dad needs help to save home and vehicle …

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  1. Hello. My name is Jason Wiseman. I am a 39 yr old single step father of 3 girls from WV. The girls mother passed from cancer at only age 31 and had no other family so i stepped up and assumed the responsibility.I am a very hard working devoted family man. I have never in my life been faced with a situation as I am now. Due to my hours at work getting cut in half from 80hrs per week to only 40 hrs max, I am in serious financial burden. We are about to loose our home and also my only vehicle due to falling behind. I can afford to make the monthly obligations however I fell behind 1 moth of rent and 1 month of vehicle payment due to being hospitalized w phneumonia.I’m doing all can to pull us out of this rut. selling tools clothes luxuries etc looking for additional work but nothing seems to be happening and my family and I are very close to loosing our stability . I have no living family or even extended family that could help so here I am praying to God someone sees this and is willing to help. I’m not asking for a handout I will gladly repay every cent . Please if you can  without hurting your own livelihood help my family and I it would truly save us from futher hardship and homelesness..

1 review for Blue collar dad needs help to save home and vehicle …

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