Short Story

41-year-old dog mom missing her parents and seeking financial assistance so I can live the life I dream of.

Rocky Mountains, United States (US)

Big Dreamer- Requesting help to accomplish my dreams and get out of debt

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Goal: $700,000.00
Minimum amount is $70000 Maximum amount is $700000
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Hi. My name is Laurel. I am a single, 41-year-old dog mom, residing in Colorado. I was born in California and had two of the most amazing & loving parents a girl could ever ask for. I lived in California all my life- taking care of both parents through multiple cancer treatments until they both ended up passing. Dad from prostate cancer that spread back in 2012, and mom three years ago, from lung cancer. They were my entire world- I never left California in the entire time they were ill. After college, I moved back to my hometown to dedicate my life to making sure I was there every second.

When dad passed, life was never the same and now that mom is gone, I can’t even put into words the sadness and loss I feel. I go to counseling every month and try new forms of therapy whenever I can afford it. When mom passed, I was given some money to split with my older sister, but she swept it out from underneath me, most of it anyways. Needless to say, we don’t speak. She was never around when mom and dad were ill. It was so hard on all of us.

I have no family left -either because of family issues in the past with mom and dad with their siblings or because they have passed away from some sort of cancer. I’m terrified every single day of getting sick. I had to cancel my health insurance a few months ago because my job just isn’t paying enough. I spend my evenings and weekends applying for new higher paying jobs but can’t seem to get my foot in the door. I’m a hard worker who is in a tight spot- $97 k in debt which includes $20k car pay-0ff, can’t afford health insurance, renter with a dream of owning/designing my own small home for my pup and I. I want to travel, have retirement, have health insurance, and live debt free but I can’t ask my parents to help 🙁 It’s so lonely and scary being the only one here and realizing that my credit at this point will take years to repair.


I am a passionate, kind human being, lover of all humans & animals, caretaker at heart, loyal to a fault and just want a shot at having a dream life- not a huge home, just a small home that’s mine that I designed and created, being debt free, and maybe a little travel here and there) Bucket list is Vietnam:)


Any help is appreciated. Any questions, please do ask.




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