Short Story

Need money for an attorney for my Fiance Tinkin

Kent WA USA, United Kingdom (UK)

Attorney for TINKIN

$0.00 Pledged
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42 Days Left
Goal: $15,000.00
Minimum amount is $8000 Maximum amount is $15000
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My Fiance is currently incarcerated he’s been in prison for 16 years out of 23 years he was given . He’s been in group homes since he was 12 years old. I stead of being a child he was forced to live from group home to group home ,juvenile detention where he was sexually abused and now prison. Why because he had a set of parents who didn’t care enough about their child to stop doing drugs and be there to raise him teach him right from wrong . He never had anyone in his Family especially his Mother or Father go and get clean enough to go visit him find out what’s been going on with their child they just left him and let the system reform him . Well I have been the first one and only person to have gone to visit him and he is a very knowledgeable,well respectful, rehabilitated man . He is coming up on a review hearing and mind you he’s never been married,doesn’t have any children . Although he wants to get married and have children and I am trying to provide that for him if he can just have that opportunity at freedom. If denied a release in April 2025 he will still have to do the remainder of the time which is 8 years he’ll be out 5/2032 by that time he will be 45 years old ,he deserves a chance at life . He is remorseful of what he did and if he could he would take it all back. He is not that young teenage kid that made that horrible mistake 16 years ago,he is a different man a rehabilitated man that has changed 100% if it were up to me I would allow him a chance but it’s not up to me and for that he needs an attorney and that’s one thing I cannot provide for him because of money issues. I also have breast cancer and have to go in to have my breast removed but I need to see this through before I have my surgery because there might be complications and well I need to see this through with him so he can have that chance and start a new life with me and start his business he is a great tattoo artist and he wants to start his business but he needs to get out in order to get that started and running to become a successful business man . So if you could please send a helping hand .


$15,000.00 or more
His freedom
March, 2025
Estimated Delivery
0 backers


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