Short Story

This last year has been the worst ever. After taking care of my grandma (mom) for the last 5 years until she passed away on 11/19/2024. My Grandpa is still here but he’s so sad after losing his wife of 67 years. Although I do attend university of Phoenix working on my bachelor’s I haven’t worked in 5 years . I’m not complaining it was my choice and I enjoyed seeing her everyday. I didn’t get paid for taking care of them. My clothes are raggedy and I’m embarrassed to go anywhere. I would really appreciate a little help so I can gain confidence back and get a part time job. I don’t expect 100s of dollars. Just any spare change you have . This hurts my pride to ask especially because I’m sure I won’t get anything but I figured won’t hurt to try. I appreciate your time. He a great day

Highland California, United States (US)

As hard as this is I can’t believe how bad this last year’s been.

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Goal: $500.00
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My grandma and I having fun Snapchat 867651110 Snapchat 850322654


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